Fise Branch

Message from the Head Teacher

Pre-tertiary (Basic Education) is undoubtedly the key basis for every child at that crucial developmental stages of life. A good basic school is therefore important and at the heart of a successful academic and extracurricular achievement, and choosing a good institution for your ward is a decision of utmost importance. Hope Marie Academy – Fise Branch’s relationship with other stakeholders in education and corporate organizations of higher learning offers a mix of “opportunity” for the holistic development of children from all races and backgrounds, to be tutored by the best of teachers in terms of grasp of the subject material. Academic excellence and morale upbringing is at the heart of Hope Schools’ activities. We are quite unique and don’t only admit you, but we work assiduously to give you a rich and rewarding educational experience. I welcome you to this family for a total Christ centered learning environment for holistic development

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